Alexiou Couch Manufacturers
Alexiou Leather Couches offers and encompasses creativity, comfort, and design, whether it be classical or contemporary, aesthetically producing a handcrafted and unique quality product.
The superior knowledge, from frame to finished couch, validate the quality and handcrafted designs, making the Alexiou Brand timeless and uncompromising.
Alexiou leather couches are manufactured on the premises where one can view the operational side of the couch, from start to the finish. The large showroom offers a wide selection of leathers - only full grain leather- in Bovine, Buffalo, Oryx, Kudu and pull ups & ostrich.
Full Grain Leather is the most genuine type of leather and is not created from any splits. It retains the genuine "skin" of the original hide, making it of exceptional quality and durability. It also adapts climatically, causing it to be cool in summer and warm in winter.
The business is owned and managed by Anne and Nick Alexiou, who between them have over 50 years of experience in manufacturing and design. Always staying in touch with trends and the quality of the raw materials used in manufacture of their leather couches.